Posted in Dessert, Snack

Matcha Chocolate-Avocado Truffles

Hi there !

It’s already April, was hoping that I can post some of my cooking during my daughter’s spring break but I was busy doing activities with my daughter.

Avocado is one of my favorite fruit, I can spread them on my toast (I usually add salsa to go with). When the hunger strikes between my breakfast and lunch, I can just munch them to satisfy my hunger. I can toss them in my salad too. I came across truffles recipe on the internet that using avocado in their ingredients. My curiosity crawled and I was so eager to try it on.


You can’t even notice that this truffle using avocado

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup roughly chopped high quality dark chocolate
  • 1/3 cup completely mashed avocado (about 1⁄2 of a large avocado)
  • 1 tsp matcha power
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar


Directions :

  1. Bring a small pot with water about 1 inch deep to a simmer. Add a bowl on top that is wider than your pot so that it doesn’t touch the water.
    Place in chocolate and stir until completely melted and smooth.
  2. Add melted chocolate to the food processor and blend with avocado until no avocado streaks remain.
  3. Chill the chocolate mixture for about 20-25 minutes in the fridge so that it is slightly less sticky and a little more firm, but still soft and workable.
    You don’t want to chill the dough too long because then the chocolate will firm up too much.
  4. Measure out 1 tbsp of chocolate mixture and roll between palms to form a smooth, round ball. Repeat with remaining chocolate. Place finished balls on a sheet of parchment paper.
  5. Combine matcha power and sugar in the bowl.Roll balls in matcha mixture. Serve immediately or keep in the fridge.






Posted in Dessert, gluten free, Indonesian Food, Snack

Lapis Singkong (Steamed layered cassava)




Pertama kali bikin kue lapis singkong ini waktu masih tinggal di Singapura, waktu itu pas belanja di pasar tradisional (kalau gak salah Fajar market) saya lihat ada yang menjual kelapa parut (segar) dan singkong. Kan jarang-jarang tuh ada yang jual singkong dan kelapa parut, gak bakal nemu deh barang-barang “antik kalau belanja di supermarket.

Saya pakai resep yang saya temukan di internet (maaf, saya lupa catat sumbernya) dan ternyata lumayan bikin ketagihan, hahahaha…. emak lagi lapar kali.

Bikin yuk ! Gampang kok, saya aja yang pemalas bisa juga jadi kue lapis ini. Biasanya saya cuma bikin setengah resep.

Bahan-bahan :

  • 1 kg singkong, kupas kulitnya dan parut
  • 1 bungkus agar-agar (tanpa warna)
  • 300 ml santan
  • 150 gr gula pasir
  • 50 gr kelapa parut atau secukupnya
  • Garam
  • Pewarna makanan (hijau dan merah) secukupnya


Cara Membuat :

  1. Kupas singkong, parut dan peras singkongnya
  2. Olesi loyang (ukuran 8 x 18 x 6 cm) dengan minyak
  3. Campur santan, singkong parut, gula pasir, agar-agar aduk merata
  4. Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian, beri pewarna merah dan hijau di masing-masing yang satu bagian biarkan tanpa pewarna makanan
  5. Tuang satu bagian adonan singkong ke loyang, kukus sampai matang (kurang lebih 25 menit)
  6. Lapisi dengan adonan ke 2 dan kukus kembali.
  7. Lanjutkan dengan adonan ke 3 dan kukus kembali
  8. Angkat dan dinginkan
  9. Kukus kelapa parut dan berikan sedikit garam
  10. Setelah dingin, potong2 sesuai selera dan gulingkan ke kelapa parut yg sudah diberi garam dan yang sudah dikukus.
  11. Sajikan hangat




Hi ya guys,

If you’d like to try Indonesian delectable snack, this one is easy to make and gluten-free too ! I usually make half of the recipe. Without further ado, give it a try. You might like it


  • 1 kg cassava/yucca root; you can also use frozen cassava if you like. Find this product in the asian supermarket or Filipino stores. I found this at Ranch Supermarket. I can find yucca root/cassava at Ralph’s close where I live. Peel the skin and grate it
  • 1 packet of agar-agar , no color (7gr)
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 150 gr sugar
  • 50 gr grated coconut ; you also can find this at Filipino stores or Ranch Market
  • Pinch of salt
  • Food Coloring (green and red)



  1. Peel the skin of the yucca root/cassava, squeeze the liquid from the cassava.
  2. Grease the baking pan with oil
  3. Combine coconut milk, grated cassava, agar-agar, sugar in medium bowl. Stir well with rubber spatula or wooden spoon
  4. Divide the cassava mixture into 3 bowls; put food coloring into each bowls.
  5. Pour one mixture into baking pan and steam until it cooks (approx 25 minutes)
  6. Take out from the steaming pan and pour the second layer ; steam for another 25 minutes
  7. Finish the last layer and steam for 25 minutes, when it’s done let it cool
  8. Steam grated coconut with dash of salt for 15 minutes
  9. When it’s completely cool, cut into square or any shape you like
  10. Roll in the steamed grated coconut and serve warm