Posted in Hot drink

Bandrek (Indonesian Spiced Tea with coconut meat)

Hey there !

It’s spring now, the weather is so gorgeous. The temperature here is around 50 – 68 Fahrenheit ( or 11 – 21 Celsius). I am still adjusting with this gorgeous weather, coming from tropical country and spent my life more than half of my age  made  uneasy for me to be in this kind of weather without fuzzy  thingies and warm drink to spice up my day !

I am not complaining, I love the weather but just need to warm up myself before starting day. Indonesia has many kinds of hot or warm drinks that made from spices like : bajigur, bandrek, wedang ronde. I love drinking those stuffs ! Even though not everyday I  have time to make those  so it will be to ready in the morning. I usually make the day before so in the morning I just need to re-heat it.

Although this drink does not contain tea but you still can call it TEA. Anyway, here’s my version of Bandrek


Ingredients :

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 6 cloves
  • 4-6 cardamom seeds (crush it and take the seeds)
  • 2 lemongrass (cut each into 3, discard the top green part and pound them)
  • 50- 60 grams of ginger, slice them
  • 1 small disk of palm sugar or gula melaka or gula merah (slice them to make it easier to dissolve in the water)
  • 1 young coconut (take out the meat and slice them)
  • 2 tbsp of sweetened condensed milk (optional)


  1. Prepare water in the medium pot with medium heat
  2. Add the lemongrass, slices of ginger, cloves, cardamom seeds and cinnamon sticks into the pot.
  3. Bring to boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the coconut. Pour the juice into glasses and scrape out the coconut meat. Divide the coconut meat into glasses.
  5. Add the palm sugar into the water and let it dissolve. Turn off the heat and pour the tea into glasses (using strainer) with the coconut meat inside
  6. Add the condensed milk if you crave for sweetness. Serve warm



Versi bahasa Indonesia :


Walaupun saya tinggal di luar Indonesia bukan berarti saya melupakan asal-usul saya yaitu Indonesia. Banyak hal yang bikin kangen sama tanah air-ku yang luar biasa. Salah satunya makanan/minuman khas daerah di Indonesia. Jujur aja, saya belum pernah coba bandrek kecuali bandrek yang sachet-an, duh coba itu !

Karena penasaran sama rasa aslinya si bandrek ini maka mulailah mencari resep yang pas. Saya temukan resep bandrek di sini. Bikin yuk, gampang kok. Dapur saya wanginya sedap sekali sehabis bikin bandrek ini.



  • 450 ml air
  • 2 batang kayu manis
  • 6 cengkeh
  • 4-6 kapulaga, geprek (asyik kan istilah indonesianya !), ambil bijinya.
  • 2 batang sereh ( iris jadi 3 tiap batangnya, geprek)
  • 50-60 gr jahe, iris-iris
  • 50-70 gr gula jawa atau gula palem, iris-iris
  • 1 buah kelapa muda, ambil dagingnya saja.
  • 2 sdm susu kental manis



Cara memasak :

  1. Panaskan air di panci dengan api sedang.
  2. Masukkan sereh, jahe, cengkeh, kapulaga dan kayu manis ke dalam panci.
  3. Didihkan, kurangi api ke api kecil biarkan di atas api selama 10 menit.
  4. Sementara itu, kelapa muda di ambil dagingnya, bagikan ke gelas saji
  5. Masukkan gula palem ke panci, biarkan sampai gula larut. Matikan api, dan dengan menggunakan saringan tuang ke gelas saji (yang sudah diberi kelapa muda).
  6. Tambahkan susu kental manis jika ingin manis. Sajikan hangat.





A woman, a wife and a mother who loves peace, nature and taking pictures

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